Before you start, please ensure you have the following information handy provided to you by your AllVoices onboarding agent:
- Audience URI (SP Entity ID)
Please follow the steps below to ensure your system is configured quickly and correctly.
1. Log into your OneLogin account and navigate to the Administration panel.
2. Click on the Applications tab and click Add App in the top right corner of the page.
3. Search for SAML Test Connector and click on SAML Test Connector (Advanced)
4. Enter “AllVoices SSO” in the Display Name field and click Save.
5. On the left navigation menu, click Configuration and enter the below information provided to you by your AllVoices onboarding agent:
- For the Audience (EntityID) field, enter the Audience URI (SP Entity ID)
- For the ACS (Consumer) URL Validator field, enter the SSO URL
- For the ACS (Consumer) URL field, enter the SSO URL
6. When you are finished entering the above information, click Save in the top right corner.
7. On the left navigation menu, click SSO and configure the following:
- X.509 Certificate: Click View Details and copy the entirely of the certificate, starting with ----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- and ----END CERTIFICATE----
- Copy and paste the certificate into a plain text file using TextEdit or Notepad and provide it to your AllVoices onboarding agent.
- SAML Signature Algorithm: Ensure that SHA-1 is selected
- Issuer URL: Provide this URL to your AllVoices onboarding agent.
8. Once you have completed the above steps, please inform your AllVoices onboarding agent as we will configure the the OneLogin integration
Please note you will be unable to verify the setup is working as expected until your admins are signed up with AllVoices and we finalize the buildout for your custom tool. You will receive a notification from your AllVoices onboarding agent when your buildout is finalized and ready to use. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact your AllVoices onboarding agent.
Note: Your AllVoices onboarding agent will have also provided you with a SP Metadata URL. This URL is not required to complete the steps outlined in this guide, but is provided to you for security reasons.