Before you start, please ensure you have the following information handy provided to you by your AllVoices onboarding agent:
- Identifier (Entity ID)
- Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)
- Sign on URL (same as Reply URL)
Please follow the steps below to ensure your system is configured quickly and correctly.
- Go to Azure Admin console and click Enterprise applications or search for “Enterprise Applications” in the search bar.
- To create a SAML application, click New application from the top navigation bar.
- Click “Create your own application.” Give your application a Name and click Create. You may name it “Allvoices SAML/SSO App.”
- After it is created, from the app detail page, select “Set up Single Sign On” and then SAML.
- Click Edit on the Basic SAML Configuration section.
- Enter the following values in the Basic SAML Configuration section and save changes. Replace the values with the ones your Allvoices Onboarding Agent provided you with. Click Save to save your changes.
- Identifier (Entity ID) - It will look something like this: https://{your_company_name}}{{key_string}}/metadata
- Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) - It will look something like this: https://{your_company_name}}{{key_string}}/callback
- Keep rest of the information and data as it is. Go to the section SAML Signing Certificate section, download the following and share them with your Allvoices Onboarding Agent:
- Federation Metadata XML
- Certificate (Base64)
- Certificate (Raw)
- Congrats, you have successfully created SAML/SSO app with Microsoft Entra to use with AllVoices.
Please note you will be unable to verify the setup is working as expected until your admins are signed up with AllVoices and we finalize the build out for your custom tool. You will receive notification from your AllVoices onboarding agent when your buildout is finalized and ready to use. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact your AllVoices.
For additional information, refer to this guide from Microsoft.