We have revamped the interface for when you click into a case to make your experience more seamless and intuitive! Along with a new layout for existing features, we've also added a few new exciting features. We'll dive into the changes below, but if you'd rather watch a video, click here.
What Has Changed?
- Every report or case in the system is now called a Case. The categories of cases we have include Admin Cases (those added via Case Manager by an admin) and Employee Cases (those added through the reporting flow by employees, previously called reports) and Public Cases (those added through the general AllVoices website flow, previously called public reports). The case type (Admin or Employee) will be labeled at the top of the case.
- There is no longer a separate tab detailing the original case answers. Case details/answers are accessible as soon as you click into the case, and can be expanded as needed.
- NEW! Tasks: Admin tasks are now located under manage access. View our guide here for full details on tasks and their capabilities.
- The messaging window now expands into a full window view. By selecting the maximize button next to the minimize button, you'll be able to easily write longer messages without taking up the entire messaging window.
- NEW! Comments: You'll now see comments located in the top right section of the case details page. Note: Notes, files, and attachments are still accessible below the fold, keep reading this guide for more info. (See comment guide here for more details)
- NEW! Case Actions: are now located in a collapsable side bar. The new Case Actions side bar allows admins to quickly take action on a case by assigning an admin, priority, attorney-client privilege, and setting a case resolution. This Case Actions panel stays auto-expanded until admin and priority are set, it can then be collapsed to minimize clutter. When collapsed, the tab will let you know which action you have not taken - see lack of priority set example below. (See case actions guide here for more details)
- NEW! Progress Bar: When you click into a case, you'll now see a progress bar at the top signifying if a case is unassigned, assigned, in progress, or resolved. This encourages case movement and helps admins keep a pulse on case status. (See progress bar guide here for more details)
- Admin access to the case has now been moved to the top right under the progress bar. This view allows you to have a quick glance into how many admins have access to the case. Once selected, manage access to the case as you normally would.
- Linked Cases is now an icon in the section shown below. This is also where you can export a case and view tags.
- You can Expand or Collapse case details by clicking "View Full Case" or "Show Less."
- The notes section is now called โAdditional information.โ All new and existing notes will be stored in this section. You will still have the ability to mention other admins and add files or attachments to the case in this section.
- The audit log at the bottom can be expanded or collapsed based on preference and to minimize clutter.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or support@allvoices.co.