The case actions sidebar guides you through the step-by-step actions to take while administering a case.
Upon clicking on the sidebar you can:
1. Assign an admin
2. Set the case priority
3. Mark attorney-client privilege
4. Set a resolution and resolve the case
Note: The case actions sidebar expands by default until an admin is assigned and the case priority is set.
You can click on the x to collapse the sidebar at anytime:
Once collapsed you will be shown the next action that should be taken. Clicking on the tab will expand the sidebar so you can take the appropriate next step.
Assigning an admin:
To assign an admin click on the blue case actions bar and select the admin from the “Assign admin” dropdown.
Note: If you attempt to assign an admin that does not currently have access to the case you will see a warning modal asking if you want to grant the admin access and assign. Click ‘Yes, Assign’ to grant access and assign.
Set Case Priority:
Once you assign the admin you can select the priority for the case: High, medium, or low. You can also leave the priority as ‘not set’.
Mark A/C Privilege:
To set attorney-client privilege select ‘Yes’ in the dropdown.
When ‘Yes’ is selected, you will be prompted to ensure you have an attorney on the report. By clicking ‘Manage Admins’ you can view which admins currently have access, and add the attorney if needed.
Once marked a label will populate on the case to indicate the case is attorney-client privileged.
Set Resolution
Once you are ready to resolve the case select the appropriate resolution from the dropdown.
Resolve Report
Once you set the resolution click the purple check box to resolve the report. The report will gray out to indicate the case has been resolved.
Note:Resolving employee submitted cases will trigger a two question follow-up survey to the reporter asking them about their experience.
You can reopen the case at anytime by clicking the purple checkbox.