Within a case, you now have the ability to add tasks to keep cases moving and hold admins accountable.
Note: All Admins with case access can view and create tasks except Viewers who can only view tasks. Tasks are shared among admins – if you delete a task or change the status it will be updated for all admins.
You’ll see the new Tasks section on the right side of a case next to the comments:
Here you can add tasks by clicking “Add New Task.”
After selecting “Add New Task,” you’ll see a window to add the task.
After you’ve added the task information, click “Save New Task.” After your task is saved, you’ll see it listed on your Tasks.
To set the status of the task, click the down arrow next to “Not Started.” You can change the status to “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Complete.”
Your tasks progress bar under “Team Tasks” shows the percentage of tasks completed based on the tasks being marked “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Complete.”
In addition to adding your own tasks, Vera has recommended tasks based on the case information.
If you’d like to add any of Vera’s suggested tasks to your team tasks, select “Add to Tasks.” After selecting “Add to Tasks,” you’ll see that task listed up above in your team tasks.
If you select “Help Draft” under the Vera-recommended task, a messaging window with Vera will appear where she will help draft the task at hand.
If you have any questions, please reach out to support@allvoices.co.
Are these tasks specific to me, or the case?
The tasks are specific to the case. All admins with access to the case can see and manage the tasks with the exceptions of viewers who can only view the task.
Can I make private tasks specific to me?
Tasks are not private, any task created on a case will be visible to any admin with access to the case.
Can I assign a task to a specific admin?
In our initial launch, no, but shortly after launch we will be adding enhancements including this feature.
Can I remove Vera’s suggested tasks?
Yes, you can remove Vera’s suggested tasks if you do not wish to add them.