Updated Charts & A.I. Insights from Vera
We’ve redesigned our charts and added AI generated insights from Vera to make your dashboard more interactive and actionable. This all-new interface will make it easier for your team to uncover patterns and trends and make data informed decisions using AllVoices tailored insights.
Note: Admins will only be able to view the case data they have access to as defined by their user role and access.
AI generated Insights using Vera
- Pre-generated insights related to changes in case volume
- Helpful prompts to guide your data analysis
- Ability to “Ask a question” to Vera about your charts
Easily filter charts
- User can click into a chart to filter and that interaction will simultaneously filter the other charts in the dashboard
- User can filter by:
- Clicking on a bar or pie chart
- Clicking on the legend in the chart
- Clicking into the dropdown on each chart and selecting desired filters
- Note: Filtering is not available on open text department or locations
Easily reset chart filters
- The floating ‘Reset Filters’ button allows you to reset all filters from wherever you are in the dashboard view
- The individual eraser on each chart allows you to remove the filters for just that chart
- Clicking on the bar or pie or the minus symbol in the legend allows you to or remove individually applied filters
- Clicking into the ‘Filters’ dropdown and deselecting the associated boxes will also unapply filters
Ability to filter on intake source
- Slack, Phone or Web
View issues by subtype
- Ability to view issue subtypes across your organization in a single view from greatest to least impact
Vera’s Insights
Case volume insights
By default when you login Vera will generate an insight based on any recent changes in Case Volume
You can select from the pre-set prompts to gain further insights generated by Vera:
For More Options:
- Press ‘Regenerate prompts’ to view more options
- Each prompt will take you to the relevant chart with an AI generated insight from Vera
Ask a question to Vera
You can “Ask a question” to Vera related to your company’s data
For example: What issues are affecting my workplace?
Note: All insights will take reflect the date range and case type selected ‘All, Employee, Public, or Admin’
Filter by Case Type
If you have multiple case types you can click the to filter all charts by case type:
- All, Employee, Admin, or Public
Filter by Date Range
- Filter data by custom date range or pre-set date range options available
Filter on All, Open or Resolved
You can choose to filter data for all cases, open cases, or resolved cases.
Selecting ‘All’ shows the total cases according to the date they were created
Selecting ‘Open’ shows the total cases that are still open according to the date they were created
Selecting ‘Resolved’ shows the total cases that are resolved according to the date they were created
Export Data
You can export the filtered data into a pdf using the ‘Export’ button
Note: Larger exports will be sent via email
Case Volume Chart
The case volume chart will show you changes in Case Volume for ‘All Issue Types’ based on the date range and filters applied
You can also drill into a specific issue type to see how it compares to the total issues for that time period based on the date range and filters applied
Fitler by intake source
If you have a phone line or slack integration you can filter by intake source:
- Phone, Web, Slack
When you click to filter any chart, that filter will apply across all charts in the dashboard
Applying Filters:
Clicking on a bar chart or pie chart
Clicking on the legend in the chart
Clicking into the dropdown on each chart and selecting desired filters
Important: Filtering is not available on open text department or locations
Clearing Filters
The floating ‘Reset Filters’ button allows you to reset all filters from wherever you are in the dashboard view
The individual eraser on each chart allows you to remove the filters for just that chart
TBD Screenshot not yet merged
Clicking on the bar or pie or the minus symbol in the legend allows you to or remove individually applied filters
Clicking into the ‘Filters’ dropdown and deselecting the associated boxes will also un-apply filters