Saved Views
You can now create customizable saved views within AllVoices’ charts to easily reference the data that is most important to you. Saved views take into consideration the date range, filters and whether specific charts are shown or hidden at the time the view is created.
Short Video Explainer for Saved Views:
How it works:
- Only you can access the saved views you create (other administrators cannot see your saved views)
- All admins with access to charts can create saved views with the exception of those with the role manager
- Admins select the desired filters, date range and can show or hide specific charts when creating a saved view
- Admins can toggle between saved views and change their default view
- Admins can use the ‘Reset View” button to easily reset the saved view to its original settings
- Admins can use the “Clear all filters” functionality to clear all filters applied
Create a Saved View:
First apply the desired date range and filters and show/hide the charts you would like displayed in the view.
Next, click the ‘Create views” icon:
Next, name the view and press the “Create New View” button
You can also select “Make it my default” if you want this view the be the default view you see everytime you login to your AllVoices dashboard
Upon pressing ‘Create new view’ you will be landed on the saved view you created which will reflect the filters, date range and charts shown or hidden at the time of creation.
You can then apply different filters, change the date range or show/hide charts for further analysis.
To return to the original saved view settings simply “Reset view” by selecting the icon or floating hover button
Note: Reset View will only be active when the view is different from its original settings; if the buttons are inactive then the view is already reset
Note: When you switch between tabs in the AllVoices’ app, any filters applied in your current session will retain, however when you toggle between your saved views in the charts dashboard, the views will reset to the original settings at the time the view was created
Switching Between Views
You can toggle between saved views and your original charts view by clicking the carrot next to the view title.
You can also switch between saved views and your original charts view by clicking the ‘Create Views’ icon and selecting the desired view from the modal
Selecting Your Default View
You can change your default view by selecting “Make it my default view” at the time of creation or by selecting the radio dial next to the view you wish to make your default in the ‘Create Views” modal
Changing the Name of a Saved View
You cannot change or edit the settings on an existing saved view; meaning you cannot update the date range, filter presets or charts that are shown or hidden on a saved view after that view is created
If you would like to make changes to the view settings you should delete that view and create a new saved view with desired settings
However, you can update the name of a saved view after it has been created
To edit the name click the edit icon next to the view
Next update the name of the view and press “Save Edit”
Deleting a Saved View
To delete a saved view click the x next to the view you wish to delete
Next, press confirm in the modal to delete the view
Note: You cannot delete the original view as this is the default dataset within AllVoices; you can only delete saved views you create
If you choose to delete a saved view that was set as the default view, your default view will revert to the original charts view
We hope that this features makes it even easier to navigate all of your data and have it customized to your liking. For any and all messages related to Saved Views, feel free to contact us at