What are routing rules?
Routing rules determine who will be notified and granted access to new reports based on report answers. Rules can be customized to notify specific admins depending on issue type(s), divisions(s), department(s) or location(s). By default Owners and Primary Admins will be notified and granted access to all reports.
Note: Routing rules do not apply to cases inputted by administrators.
Only the Owner can create routing rules for your organization. If your administrative role is Owner, you can create and manage routing rules in the “Settings” section of your admin dashboard by navigating to the “Routing Rules” tab.
Creating a new routing rule
1. Click the button + Create New Rule
2. Provide a name for the routing rule. We suggest something identifiable like “Seattle Office - Legal”

3. Provide a description for the rule. Ex: Route all Ethics and Compliance issues to the Seattle legal team

4. Select the issue type(s) type. Any unselected issue types will NOT be included.

5. Select division(s): *If applicable for your organization* Selecting nothing will default to all available options in the list.
6. Select the department(s) Selecting nothing will default to all available options in the list.

7. Select the locations. Selecting nothing will default to all available options in the list.

8. Enter the name of the admin(s) who should be notified and granted access based on this rule. The admin’s name will appear below the search bar once added.

9. Press Submit

Routing rules will be effective immediately upon submission for all new reports. Routing rules will not apply retroactively to previously submitted reports.
When creating rules for issue type: General feedback or questions or All-hands, make sure to select the option Unspecified listed under departments and locations. These modules do not collect department and location responses from the reporter, so in order to route these issues you must select Unspecified for both department and location when configuring the rule.

Using the Select All option will cause the rule to trigger for all currently available answers, but not for those added to AllVoices after the rule has been created. In the event you add a new issue type, division, department or location you will need to manually update any existing rules to include these if desired.

Editing routing rules
1. To edit a routing rule, head to Settings > Routing Rules > Edit Rule.

2. You can edit existing routing rules to add or remove admins, or to change the configuration of the rule.
3. Changes will apply for new reports. They will not apply retroactively. Anyone granted access to previously submitted reports via that rule will keep access.
4. Press SAVE after making edits, Changes do not autosave.

Deleting routing rules
1. To delete a routing rule, head to Settings > Routing Rules
2. Select the routing rule you want to edit, click the three dots in the top right corner and select delete rule

You can delete a routing rule to prevent future reports from routing according to that rule. Deleting a routing rule will not change access previously granted via that rule on any existing reports.
How do routing rules work with AllVoices administrative roles?
1. Primary Admins and Owners already have access and are notified of all new reports by default but they can also be added to routing rules. In the event that the admin’s role is downgraded to a Sub Admin or Viewer, including them in the routing rule will ensure they are still notified and granted access per the rules configuration.
2. Sub Admins can be granted access and notified of new reports via a routing rule, if assigned by another admin, or if manually added under the “Manage Access” tab.
3. Viewers can be granted access and notified of new reports via a routing rule, or if manually added under the “Manage Access” tab. Viewers cannot be assigned as this is a view-only role.
4. For a full breakdown of the administrative roles visit the AllVoices admins tab and download administrative roles.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to support@allvoices.co.