AllVoices is different from traditional whistleblower hotlines because it was built with employees in mind, and is an entirely anonymous and user-friendly web-based platform. All reports are collected in a single case management system with sophisticated administrative permissions that allow leadership to assign, track, manage, resolve and visualize data. Unlike traditional hotlines, AllVoices is mobile responsive and allows an employer to follow up with a reporter easily after receiving a report.
Many of the companies we work with that have existing whistleblower hotlines see very little usage of those hotlines (roughly 1-2 reports per year depending on the company’s size). With AllVoices, companies typically receive around 60-80 reports a year for companies with roughly 1000 employees. These companies see the value in having a place to capture all types of feedback, not just the issues that are severe enough to be reported to a whistleblower hotline. This helps those companies implement change as soon as they’re aware of a challenge or a potential solution before finding out via Glassdoor or an exit interview.